Acetylcholine (ACh) and noradrenaline, also called norepinephrine (NE) are critical arousal regulatory neuromodulators that shape neuronal activity during sleep. Furthermore, they also act directly on the vasculature, with opposing effects (dilation vs constriction), and could therefore induce the vascular oscillations that appear during sleep. Our projects are therefore designed to test how ACh and NE influence periarterial CSF pumping and clearance during sleep. While we focus on these two key arousal- and vascular-regulatory neuromodulators, we will also be ideally positioned from these studies to then initiate subsequent investigations of other neuromodulators, such as serotonin.
Project 3 will first measure spontaneous ACh and NE dynamics during sleep, along with arteriolar diameter (Aim 2.1). It will then test how manipulating NE or ACh levels via opto- or chemogenetics affects brain-wide hemodynamics and neurovascular coupling (Aims 2.2, 2.3). We predict that these two neuromodulators act in a push-pull fashion to induce large oscillations in vascular dilation during sleep.
Project 2 has in an extensive series of experiments mapped the interrelationship between NE signals are linked to the size and kinetics of the perivascular space and CSF flow 3,4. We find that NE change the physical and functional properties of the perivascular space during sleep that in turn enhance fluid and solute transport.
Project 4 will simultaneously image basal forebrain (BF) and locus coeruleus (LC), the nuclei that release ACh and NE, using BOLD fMRI during sleep and wakefulness. We will test how spontaneous dynamics in these nuclei are linked to both EEG slow waves (Aim 3.1), cortical BOLD responses, and multiscale CSF flow (Aim 3.2). We predict that activity in BF and LC will have distinct coupling patterns to EEG slow waves, global hemodynamics, and CSF flow during NREM sleep.
Project 1 will develop predictive, empirical relationships among ACh levels, NE levels, EEG signals, and the drivers of CSF motion: vasodilation and PVS size/properties. Those relationships, combined with microscale and brain-wide fluid dynamics simulations, will provide quantitative links from neuromodulator activity to CSF flow and clearance.