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Coping with Stress During COVID-19

Coping with Stress During COVID-19

The coronavirus has caused a heightened state of awareness and stress throughout our Medical Center community. We hope to provide you with resources and remind you of the services that Life-Work Connections/Employee Assistance Program (this is one group), and Behavioral Health Partners offer. Telehealth services are available and allow you to "meet" with a counselor from home, work, or any other private locations.

Coping With Climate Change Anxiety

Coping With Climate Change Anxiety

As media reports about climate change increase, do you find yourself worrying about your future, the future of your children, and the future of our planet as we know it? Check out the Behavioral Health Partners’ March blog post to learn about "active hope" and how to put this concept into practice.

Exercise for Improved Mental Health

Exercise for Improved Mental Health

Starting an exercise routine is not only good for your physical health, it can also have a significant impact on your mental health.

Drink for Your Health

Drink for Your Health

If you are not drinking enough water, you may experience problems with your ability to function normally at work, home, and in relationships. It can also cause issues with your mental health and stress level. Did you know that dehydration has been linked to headaches, confusion, and fatigue? Check out Behavioral Health Partners’ January blog post for tips to help you remember to drink more water. Behavioral Health Partners is brought to you by Well-U, offering eligible individuals mental health services for stress, anxiety, and depression.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

This time of year has different meanings for everyone and is generally a time to connect with family and friends to celebrate shared beliefs and values. However, holidays can also be a time of increased stress, financial struggles, unmet expectations and challenging family interactions. Most of us have a few skills to help alleviate holiday stress, but do you know when and how to use them? Check out Behavioral Health Partners’ November blog post for a list of skills you may want to use this holiday season.