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Procrastinating –  Everyone does it

Procrastinating – Everyone does it

If you find yourself chronically late completing tasks or projects, you might be caught up in the negative spiral of the procrastination cycle. Understanding what factors lead to procrastination can help you to address the issue and become more effective at completing tasks on schedule. Read the June blog from Behavioral Health Partners to learn some tips to avoid procrastination and increase your productivity.

Building Friendships in Adulthood

Building Friendships in Adulthood

When loneliness stands like a wall in front of you, building new friendships can be difficult especially as an adult. The benefits that friends bring to your mental and physical health can be huge. Read the April blog from Behavioral Health Partners which offers some tips on how to take the first step in making lasting and enjoyable bonds.

Identifying and Coping with Health Anxiety

Identifying and Coping with Health Anxiety

Winter brings an increase in colds and other illnesses.  Most people don’t worry much about these symptoms, however if you have health anxiety, hours may be spent worrying and researching symptoms online.  Read the January blog from Behavioral Health Partners to learn more about health anxiety.

Intrusive Thoughts: Are They Problematic?

Intrusive Thoughts: Are They Problematic?

Have you ever an intrusive thought? Probably so! To learn more about intrusive thoughts and what you can do to manage them read Behavioral Health Partners November blog.



Anxiety is something most, if not all of us have experienced more frequently over the past few years. We can’t always control situations that are making us feel anxious, but we can learn skills to cope with our anxiety.   A five-step exercise can help during periods of anxiety or panic. Behavioral Health Partners is brought to you by Well-U, offering eligible individuals mental health services for stress, anxiety, and depression.