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Procrastinating –  Everyone does it

Procrastinating – Everyone does it

If you find yourself chronically late completing tasks or projects, you might be caught up in the negative spiral of the procrastination cycle. Understanding what factors lead to procrastination can help you to address the issue and become more effective at completing tasks on schedule. Read the June blog from Behavioral Health Partners to learn some tips to avoid procrastination and increase your productivity.

Practical Yoga for Busy Schedules

Practical Yoga for Busy Schedules

Yoga can positively affect both physical and mental health by bringing together the mind, body, and breath. The June blog from Behavioral Health Partners focuses on how practicing yoga can increase relaxation, better stress management, and enhance interpersonal relationships.

Therapy: 101

Therapy: 101

Each of us experiences stress, depression, and anxiety in different ways. For individuals starting therapy, a therapist needs to thoroughly review their history, needs, and goals before determining an optimal treatment model, a few of which are introduced in this blog post.

The Tipping Point of Stress

The Tipping Point of Stress

We all have a limit at which ongoing stress takes its toll on our physical and mental health. In Behavioral Health Partner’s November blog, explore ways to step back from stress and recover your work-life balance.

Trust in the Workplace

Trust in the Workplace

Do you remember your first day of work? You were likely feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. You were probably asking yourself: Will I be able to do this, Who will answer my questions, Who can I trust? You bring beliefs and assumptions with you to your new job that inform your answers to these questions. Read this month’s BHP Blog to learn more about trust in the workplace.