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Are Mindfulness Apps Effective?

Are Mindfulness Apps Effective?

Mindfulness is defined as the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions or experiences on a moment to moment basis. There are many apps that can help one practice mindfulness, but not all of them are useful.

Providing Mental Health Support for People Affected by Systemic Racism

Providing Mental Health Support for People Affected by Systemic Racism

Systemic racism affects BIPOC’s mental health in a multitude of ways. Understanding these effects can tremendously help both clinicians and clients. Read this month’s BHP blog titled "Interactions between systemic racism and mental health" to gain knowledge on this complex issue.

Understanding the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences - (ACEs)

Understanding the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences - (ACEs)

Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, are negative events that happened in your childhood that can impact your stress response, mental health or even physical health. Read this month’s Behavioral Health Partners blog to learn more about a study conducted around ACEs, and how to lower the impact ACEs have on your everyday life.

Reducing Anxiety by Increasing Your EQ

Reducing Anxiety by Increasing Your EQ

"Anxiety" is a feeling that often masks other emotions. When difficult situations occur and you ignore your reactions, you may think that the feelings have gone away. Allowing yourself to notice and express feelings is how you can move through them instead of staying stuck.

Coping with Stress During COVID-19

Coping with Stress During COVID-19

The coronavirus has caused a heightened state of awareness and stress throughout our Medical Center community. We hope to provide you with resources and remind you of the services that Life-Work Connections/Employee Assistance Program (this is one group), and Behavioral Health Partners offer. Telehealth services are available and allow you to "meet" with a counselor from home, work, or any other private locations.