Services and Programs
We provide evaluation and specialized health care for children with developmental challenges. All clinical services are provided at Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at 200 East River Road.
Provide Support During Pregnancy
Prenatal Consultation Service
Monitor Infant Development
Infant-Toddler Developmental Program
Evaluate for Disabilities
Diagnostic Evaluation Service
Address Feeding Challenges
Pediatric Feeding Disorders Program
Diagnose and Treat Autism Spectrum Disorder
Levine Autism Clinic
Toileting and Incontinence Program for Parents (TIPPs)
Support to successfully toilet train your child.
Treat Behavior Challenges
Behavior Treatment Services
Support Children with Motor Challenges
Kirch Motor Development Program
Support in the home and community
OPWDD Community and Home Intervention and Response Program (CHIRP)
Provide Technical Assistance &
Professional Development
Community Consultation Program
Provide ASD-Specific Training
Rochester Regional Center for ASD
Does your child have a hard time with medical visits? Our visual supports can help!
We are an Autism Care Network. We work with families, primary care providers, schools, and community agencies. We pay extra attention to the health and behavior challenges that come with each disability. Primary care providers can call us at (585) 275-2986 with questions or concerns.
Next Steps
- Download Our Clinical Services Brochure
- Explore Our Intake Process
- Call (585) 275-2986 for an appointment
- Connect with Our Facebook Page
Costs depend on the services required. We accept most major medical insurances. We welcome you to discuss any concerns about costs with our Intake team when you schedule your appointment.