Helpful Sites
- HealthyChildren: Living with a Chronic Illness or Disability
- Needymeds: Financial Resources and Support
- Kidshealth: Balancing Academics and Serious Illness
- Mended Hearts for Cardiac Families
- SuperSibs
Local Groups and Organizations
- CompassionNet
- UR Medicine Homecare
- Caring Bridge
- Make a Wish
- CURE Childhood Cancer
- Camp Good Days
- 13-30 Cancer Connect
- The Hospital Hoppities (Charlotte Hartley-Jones)
- The Perfect Shelter (Clare Helen Walsh)
- When Someone Has a Very Serious Illness: Children Can Learn to Cope with Loss and Change – Interactive Journal for 6-12 year olds – also available in Spanish (Marge Heegaard)
- Shelter from the Storm: Caring for a Child with a Life-Threatening Condition (Joanne Hilden & Karen Lindsey)
- Armfuls of Time (Barbara Sourkes)
Helpful Sites
- Perinatal Hospice & Palliative Care
- Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
- Kids Health for Preemies
- SOFT (Trisomy Support)
- Star Legacy Foundation
Local Groups and Organizations
- SAIL: (Strong Arms in Infant Loss) Contact Liz Conrow at (585) 275-8304 or by email at for meeting information.
- Forget Me Not: Contact: Kim Doolittle at (585) 454-9299, or by email at
- No Bigger Than My Teddy Bear (Valerie Panknow)
- A Gift of Time: Continuing Your Pregnancy When Your Baby’s Life is Expected to be Brief (Amy Kuebelbeck)
- Preemies - Second Edition: The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies (Dana Wechsler Linden)
- Waiting for Gabriel: A Story of Cherishing a Baby’s Brief Life (Amy Kuebelbeck)
- Empty Cradle, Broken Heart: Surviving the Death of Your Baby (Deborah Davis)
Helpful Sites
- Golosano Children's Hospital Hospital Bereavement Website
- Guide to Grieving Support Resources
- What’s Your Grief
- A Bed for My Heart: Dear Newly Bereaved Parent
Local Groups and Organizations
- The Invisible String & The Invisible String Workbook (Patricia Karst)
- I miss you: A First Look at Death (Pat Thomas)
- I will always Love You: A Journey from Grief and Loss to Hope and Love (Melissa Lyons)
- The Goodbye Book (Todd Parr)
- The Memory Box: A Book About Grief (Joanna Rowland)
- Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss (Pat Schwiebert)
- Lifetimes: A Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children (Bryan Mellonie)
- Grieving for the Sibling You Lost: A Teens Guide to Coping With Grief and Finding Meaning After Loss (Erica Goldblatt Hyatt)
- Fire in My Heart, Ice in My Veins: A Journal for Teenagers Experiencing Loss (Enid Samuel Traisman)
- Healing a Parent’s Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas After Your Child Dies (Alan Wolfelt)
- It’s Ok that You’re Not OK (Megan Devine)
- Permission to Mourn (Tom Zuba)