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Our Services

Pediatric Neurocritical Care Program

The Pediatric Neurocritical Care Program was created to address the unique needs of infants, children, and adolescents with life-threatening neurological and neurosurgical conditions. Recognizing that special care was needed for our patients in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (PCICU), and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), we developed a dedicated multidisciplinary team to provide specialized, family-centered care.

Pediatric Transport Program

The Pediatric Transport Program provides transport services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our team is experienced in the resuscitation, stabilization and transfer of pediatric patients through 18 years of age.

Sedation Services

The Sedation Service provides sedation support for inpatient and outpatient pediatric procedures, primarily moderate and deep sedation but also minimal and nitrous oxide sedations.


ECMO, or Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, is a type of life-support system that can help maintain a person’s heart and lung function while they are recovering from an illness or surgery, or awaiting another procedure or surgery.


POCUS, or Point-of-care Ultrasound, involves bedside ultrasound studies focused on answering specific questions for the clinical team in real-time.