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Clinical & Translational Science Institute / Funding / Community-Based Participatory Research Pathway-to-Pilot Award

Community-Based Participatory Research Pathway-to-Pilot Award

This award is intended for academic and community partners who have completed a UR CBPR course or who have demonstrated experience in CBPR. Research teams must consist of one faculty member or trainee (defined as a graduate student, medical student, resident, postdoc or fellow in a training program) or a staff member with a faculty mentor from the University of Rochester and at least one community partner of the greater Rochester area.


Academic applicants must be a trainee or have a faculty appointment at the University of Rochester, or a University of Rochester staff member who has identified a faculty mentor to serve as collaborator (both the staff and faculty mentor must have either completed the CBPR training or have demonstrated experience in CBPR). The academic applicant will serve as the contact PI for the project.

To qualify for this CBPR P2P award, applicants with little or no demonstrated experience in CBPR must have participated in at least six of eight modules in the UR CTSI’s Introduction to Community-Based Participatory Research program between 2017 – Spring 2023, or eight of eleven modules in the 2023-2024 or 2024-2025 cohort. If you have questions about the course, please contact Laura Sugarwala, (

For individuals who have not completed the CBPR training program, please use the criteria below for determining eligibility to apply. The application portal contains questions to demonstrate examples for these areas, and requires a letter of support:

  • More than 1 year of experience with forming, maintaining and sustaining community/academic partnerships for research that prioritizes collaboration and mutual respect.
  • Commitment to shared decision making, particularly in areas such as resource allocation.
  • Demonstrated values-based approach that emphasizes community partnerships, including sharing research findings and mutual benefit.

Individuals may participate as PI, MPI, or mentor on only one submission, but may participate in multiple submissions as co-investigator. Any individual who has a current grant with overlapping aims is not elibile to apply.

Individuals who have received a CTSI CBPR Pathway-to-Pilot award in the prior two years are not eligible to apply.

If this project is an add-on to, or an extension of, a parent project supported by another funding source, you are required to provide the application for the currently funded project and a statement addressing any overlap.

Projects or research activities that involve a foreign component, as defined by NIH, must be disclosed and be well-justified. A pplicants with a foreign component are very strongly encouraged to d iscuss the pilot proposal with the CTSI prior to submission.

Only one resubmission of a previously submitted proposal is allowed. New proposals need to be changed substantively to address prior review concerns.

If you have questions about the course, please contact Laura Sugarwala,

Funding Amount

These awards provide up to $16,500 over 10 months.

Important Dates

The following dates apply to the most recent solicitation:

  • Award Duration:  Ten (10) months
  • Monetary Award Amount:  Up to $16,500
  • Number of Awards: A minimum of one (1) will be funded, with the possibility of funding an additional meritorious application depending on availability of funds.
  • Application Deadline: Wednesday, April 23, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
  • Award Notification: June 25, 2025
  • Earliest Start Date: August 1, 2025
  • End Date: May 31, 2026 (all project activities and spending must be completed by this date – because of fiscal limitations, extensions cannot be granted)


If you have questions regarding this RFA, please Laura Sugarwala,, (717) 283-7443.


Download the 2025 RFA, then apply via the REDCap form.

Scholars and Projects

Current Projects

Health Literacy and Community Informed Determinants of Self-Care Utilization for Health Promotion Among Adolescents and Young Adults
Danielle C. Alcéna-Stiner, PhD, RN, assistant professor at the University of Rochester School of Nursing, and Jackie Dozier, director of Community Health and Wellbeing at Common Ground Health

Analysis of Stakeholder Feedback to Inform Coordinated Care for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer
AnnaLynn Williams, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Division of Supportive Care in Cancer in the Department of Surgery at the URMC, and Lauren Spiker, Executive Director of 13thirty Cancer Connect

Past Projects

Spreading the Joy of Literacy: A Community-Based Survey for Parents by Parents
Kelly McDermott, Health Project Coordinator for Pediatrics, Candace Cabral, member of the New York State Childhood Poverty Advisory Council, and Andrew Aligne, M.D., M.P.H., Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Community and Preventative Medicine.

Youth Champions of Community Health and Wellness
Sandra Jee, M.D., M.P.H., Associate Professor of Pediatrics at URMC and Christopher Rush, Executive Director of Champion Academy

Promoting Healthy Eating in Farmworker Families: A Community-based Research Collaboration
Karen F. Stein, Ph.D., R.N., FAAN, Ruth Miller Brody and Bernard Brody Endowed Professor of Nursing at the University of Rochester School of Nursing

Collaborating  wi th  Caregivers: Factors that Influence the Decision to Begin Mental Health Treatment for Children in Urban Communities
Aparajita “Tuma” Kuriyan, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center
Alicia Evans, Independent Community Consultant with LeGray Dynamic
Carlos Santana, Community Organizer for Action for a Better Community, Inc.

The Prevalence of Loneliness in Minority Communities with Chronic Medical Conditions
Allen Anandarajah, M.D., Associate Professor of Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology at the University of Rochester Medical Center
Nancy Shelton, Senior Consultant of Cultural Competence and Health Equity at Coordinated Care Services, Inc.
Angela Wollschlager, Community Outreach Project Lead and Patient Engagement Specialist at Medical Solutions, Inc.

Faith-based Interventions to Support Health-Promoting Behaviors and Reduce Overweight and Obesity Rates in African American Families
Ruth Brook Wards, Aenon Baptist Church
Kaydean Harris, RN, Doctor of Nursing Practice Student in the University of Rochester School of Nursing

Growing a Healthy Community: Families Co-Constructing Community Spaces and Sustainable Access to Fresh Food
Joyce Duckles, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Counseling & Human Development at the University of Rochester Warner School of Education
George Moses, Chair of the Rochester Housing Authority

Community centered prenatal oral health program
Jin Xiao, D.D.S., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Dentistry
Sherita Bullock, Executive Director of the Healthy Baby Network

Many members, one body: Integrating systems in mental health and self-injury resilience
Ann Marie White, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Public Health Sciences
Silvia Sörensen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Ophthalmology
Phyllis Jackson, R.N., Project Manager of Community Wellness at Common Ground Health