Clinton Woods
Clinton Woods
For comprehensive care in one convenient setting, visit us at our Clinton Woods location:
2365 South Clinton Ave.
Suite 200
Rochester, NY 14618
Get a map and directions to Clinton Woods.
Our Staff
- 11 physicians
- 2 nurse practitioners
- 10 audiologists
- 2 speech pathologists
Make an Appointment
If you would like to make an appointment or consult our physicians for a second opinion, you or your physician can call us at (585) 758-5700.
Our Services
- General and pediatric ENT (ear, nose, and throat conditions)
- Otology/neurotology
- Head and Neck Surgery, Skull Base Surgery
- Treatment for Nasal and Sinus Problems
- Allergy
- Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery
- Treatment for Adult Snoring & Sleep Disorders
- Laryngeal & Speech Therapy
- Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- General and Pediatric Hearing Services
- Treatment of Acute and Chronic Ear Aches/Infections