Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
The Internal Medicine Residency Program at the University of Rochester is committed to engaging residents in quality improvement and patient safety (QI/PS) improvement projects. URMC's participation in the ACGME's Clinical Learning Environment Innovator Pathway, the flagship of the ACGME’s Pursuing Excellence Initiative, has helped ensure that trainees are immersed in cutting edge institutional quality improvement and patient safety efforts. Residents are on the front lines at the bedside and are fundamental in finding ways for improvement in patient safety concerns. All IM residents at the University of Rochester participate in a robust QI/PS curriculum and are involved in population health care improvement efforts and multidisciplinary QI teams supported by the medical center in clinical areas of their interest.
Meghan Train, D.O.
Assistant Program Director,
Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
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Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Curriculum
- IHI basic certificate
- Longitudinal Ambulatory Education curriculum
- Morbidity & Mortality conference series
- High Value Care combined faculty and resident conference series
Distinction Track:
- QI & PS elective
- High Value Care conference presenter
- Medical school small group facilitator/educator
- Attend QI conference
- QI project dissemination at regional or national conference
- Participate in an institutional RCA
Project & Presentations
Two-year QI project experience
M&M conference presenter (PGY3)
QI project dissemination at local, regional, or national conference
Quality Improvement Topics
I highly recommend this program! I appreciated the opportunity to address quality and equity gaps identified in the clinical setting to improve patient care. Dr. Train's close supervision and mentorship every step of the way was phenomenal"
Monica Patel, MD, MBA
Class of 2023
- Team building and work styles
- Models for Improvement
- SMART AIM and understanding different measures
- Project implementation utilizing the A3 model
- PDSA cycle and measuring change with run chart
- Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
- QI scholarship and dissemination
Patient Safety Topics
- Communication: The Lego Challenge
- Human factors and Human engineering
- Event reporting
- Root Cause Analysis
- Fishbone Diagram
- Second Victim
Quality Improvement Track
For residents with interest in pursuing additional QI/PS training, we provide an optional track that will lead to Distinction in QI/PS. The track provides opportunities for deeper exploration of QI/PS topics, engagement in URMC QI/PS leadership activities and committee meetings (e.g., Root Cause Analysis, Complication Integration Committee, Rapid Response Team Reviews, etc.), faculty mentorship from leaders of URMC’s QI efforts, support for travel to QI conferences, and mentoring and dissemination opportunities for QI scholarship. The track is directed by Dr. Meghan Train.
Healthcare Systems, Leadership and Quality Elective
- Expand on the foundations of QI
- Enhance an understanding for the importance of clinical documentation
- Understand how a robust QI program fits into the healthcare system
- Participate in patient safety discussion and review
- Apply knowledge of the hospital’s systems for delivering and improving medical care while investigating an adverse event
- Investigate a medical error or complaint, explore the root causes, and propose a solution
- Participate in hospital QI activities by attending committee meetings
- Individual meetings with hospital leadership