Quality Improvement Scholarship
Recent Poster Presentations
My QI project involves reducing stigma surrounding HIV testing. I have had a great experience so far! One of the benefits of being at Strong is how much support I have had throughout my project, particularly with excellent mentorship. Despite being at a large institution, I have been able to quickly connect with various stakeholders and departments related to my project. My QI project will have an established, positive impact on patient care, lasting long after I finish residency."
Jenna Morris, MD, MPH
Class of 2023
Kim C, Veralino V, Kruzer K, and Anandarajah A. Effectiveness of Inflammatory Arthridites Educational Modules and Potential for Improved Referral Times.
France A, Lafontant J, Gore E, Bruckel T, Marino D. Multidisciplinary educational intervention regarding inpatient bowel preparation reduces delays and cancelled procedures. Poster presentation. Digestive Disease Week. Washington DC. 2024.
Arens L and Vaughan M. SGLT-2 Inhibitor Prescription Rates for Heart Failure Patients at Strong Internal Medicine AC5 Clinic. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster Day, 10/2024.
Carafone L, Esaki Y, Gleeman C, Desai N, Sun T, Arous T, Kipp H, Frumusa D, Davis R, McMahon S, MacLeod SR, and Augustine M. Quality Improvement Initiative to Reduce Sever Hyperglycemia in Hospitalized Patients Receiving High-dose Glucocorticoids. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster Day, 10/2024.
Kim C, Sportiello M, Anlage T, Bennett J, Dahal A, Delacruz L, Gigas J, Kim J, Livada A, Masterson M, Springer C, Samoriski C, Sudnik P, Venci J, Fortuna R, Yamshchikov A. Evaluation of an Antibiotic Feedback Intervention in Diagnosis and Prescribing Patterns for Bacterial Sinusitis by Primary Care Providers. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster Day, 10/2024.
Lee R, Bana K, Miller J, Rizk N, Schreifer J, Train MK. Utilization of Discharge Delays: An Interdisciplinary Quality Improvement (QI) Initiative. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster Day, 10/2024.
Miller J, Bana K, Lee R, Glick J, Rizk N, Glatz C, Train MK. Reducing Excessive Laboratory Testing in Hospitalized Patients: An Interdisciplinary Quality Improvement Initiative. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster Day, 10/2024, 2nd place winner.
Moore C and Rozario C. Needs Assessment for Allergy and Immunology Curriculum for Internal Medicine and Medicine-Pediatrics Residents. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster Day, 10/2024.
Paone N, San A, Hassell E, Bueshel J, Gupta N, Simson M, Delehanty J, Vaughan M. Implementation of Guideline Directed Medical Therapy in Hospitalized Patients with New Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster Day, 10/2024, 1st place winner.
Shi X, Kazi A, Koritysskiy F, Garbade, E.? Nighttime Interruption De-escalation: A QI Project. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster Day, 10/2024.
Turner R, Mroz M, Hazen K, Crowley A, Krueger C, Dawley H. Increasing Use of Continuous Glucose Monitors in Patients with Diabetes in the Primary Care Setting: A Quality Improvement Project. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster Day, 10/2024, 3rd place winner.
Carafone L, Esaki Y, Gleeman C, Desai N, Sun T, Arous T, Kipp H, Frumusa D, Davis R, McMahon S, MacLeod SR, and Augustine M. Quality Improvement Initiative to Reduce Sever Hyperglycemia in Hospitalized Patients Receiving High-dose Glucocorticoids. National Endocrine Society Conference 2024, 6/2024.
Rizk N, Broden J, Lee R, Shannon T, Vaughan K, and Train MK. Improved Hospital Team Utilization of Discharge Delays: An Interdisciplinary Quality Improvement Initiative. University of Rochester Medical Center, Quality Symposium 2024, 6/2024.
Loria S, Agyingi S, Frey M, McGill B, Molongo M, Russo R, Mroz M, and Schlagman M. A Qualitative Analysis of the Impacts of a Medical Legal Partnership on Staff in a Primary Care Clinic. University of Rochester Breaking Down Silos Symposium 2024, 4/2024.
Winbush, A, Sawey C, Burgoyne C, and Munsiff S. Assessing Adverse Events in Patients Utilizing High-Risk Oral Outpatient Antibiotic Regimens. University of Rochester Medical Center, Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, 6/2023, Quality Improvement Excellence Award Winner.
Kemp B, Belko M, Broden J, Schuchardt B, Glick J, Rizk N, Ghimire A, Rusnak S, Shannon T, Glatz C, Osborne CM, and Train MK. Mitigating Excessive Laboratory Testing in Hospitalized Patients: An Interdisciplinary Quality Improvement Initiative. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster day 10/2023, 3rd place winner.
Broden J, Rizk N, Ghimire A, and Train MK. Utilization of Medically Ready for Discharge Date (MRDD) Function: An Interdisciplinary Quality Improvement Initiative. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster day 10/2023.
Kruithoff M, Bryan Henry B. Assessing Urban-Regional Disparities in STEMI Outcomes. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster day 10/2023.
Albrecht C, Anlage T, Palli R, Sun J, Hellerstedt S, Ghimire A, Louie T. Evaluating the Successes & Limitations of the URMC Covid-19 Monoclonal Antibody Program. University of Rochester Poster Day, 10/2023.
Larsen N, San A, Vaughan M. Initiation of SGLT2 Inhibitors in Patients Hospitalized with Heart Failure Exacerbation. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster day 10/2023.
Pari R, King D. Increasing the annual microalbumin testing in the T2DM population at the GAMA clinic. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster day 10/2023.
Russo KA, Louie T, Myers T, Quartuccio K. Optimizing Dental Prophylaxis in Patients with Prosthetic Joints. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster day 10/2023.
Cyer A, Zand H, Liddle E, Malaret B, Mroz M. Higher rates of food insecurity in medical resident clinic compared to county: Screening one year after creation of a food pantry. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster day 10/2023.
Murphy C, Juba K, Luciano J, Topping T, Kenney A. Revising a Hospice/Palliative care order set using human factor design: A quality improvement project. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster day 10/2023, 1st place winner.
Mazumdar K, Khan A, Hudson M, Staicu S, et. al. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A multi-disciplinary team-based initiative to reduce chronic obstructive pulmonary disease readmissions at Highland Hospital. University of Rochester Medical Center, Resident Poster day 10/2023, 2nd place winner.
Hsu K, Mathias A. Novel 1 Hour Troponin Algorithm in Risk Stratification of Patients Presenting with Chest Pain to the Strong Memorial Hospital ED. American College of Cardiology (ACC) Quality Summit, Honorable Mention.
Serdah M, O'Connor R, Newman E, Bruckel, J. Assessing Compliance and Efficacy of LVEDP Guided Hydration Protocol in Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography. University of Rochester Poster Day, 2022.
Ghimire A, Broden J, Train M. 614 UPP Team: Wash-Glove-Wash QI Initiative. University of Rochester Poster Day, 2022, 3rd place winner.
Oribabor J, Salem D, Flanagan H, Doyle H, Gleber C, Readlynn J, Trumbo J, Schneider K, Blatt A. Ramadan Dietary Order Quality Improvement Initiative. University of Rochester Medical Center Diversity Equity and Inclusion Symposium, 1st place winner.
Morris JC, Bawany F, Train MK, Readlynn JK. Reducing Barriers to HIV Testing. University of Rochester Medical Center Diversity Equity and Inclusion Symposium
Ditursi J, Gore E, Rambuss R, Pope-Collins E, Train MK. Implementing a process for universal food insecurity screening for hospitalized adults and Strong Memorial Hospital. University of Rochester Medical Center Poster Day, 2021. 1st place winner.
Ditursi J, Gore E, Rambuss R, Pope-Collins E, Train MK. Implementing a process for universal food insecurity screening for hospitalized adults and Strong Memorial Hospital. Poster presentation Society of Hospital Medicine 2022
Park S, Albertson B, Niemi K, Venkatesh S, Yi L, Grable J. Improving inpatient pancreatitis management with the Rochester Model Smoking Cessation Counseling. Abstract ACG. 2021
Park S, Albertson B, Niemi K, Venkatesh S, Yi L, Grable J. Treating Tobacco Dependence in Hospitalized Patients with Pancreatitis. Poster presentation University of Rochester Medical Center
Kruzer K, Lorgrono G, Pillai P, Usman S, Liddle E, Malaret B, Mroz M. Innovative approach to food insecurity in medical resident clinics: Creation of a Food Pantry. University of Rochester. NYACP 1st place winner
Train MK, Patel N, Thapa K, Pasho M, Acquisto NM. Dispensing a Naloxone Kit at Hospital Discharge: A Retrospective QI Project. NYSAM 2020, 1st place winner.
Train MK, Patel N, Thapa K, Pasho M, Acquisto NM. Dispensing a Naloxone Kit at Hospital Discharge: A Retrospective QI Project URMC Research Day 2020, 1st place winner.
Recent Publications
Gore E, DiTursi J, Rambuss R, Pope-Collins E, Train MK. Implementing a process for screening hospitalized adults for food insecurity at a tertiary care center. J Healthcare Qual. 2022. 44(5):305-312.
Train MK, Patel N, Thapa K, Pasho M, Acquisto NM. Dispensing a Naloxone Kit at Hospital Discharge: A Retrospective QI Project. Am J Nurs. 2020 Dec;120(12):48-52. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000724248.74793.35. PMID: 33214374.
What did I like about the QI Program?
What I really enjoyed about the Ramadan dietary order he was initiated was that it was centered around the individual patient and their lived experience. The importance of this project seemed to carry through to the people that work here. I was very happy to see how many people from multiple departments (including medicine, dietary, and nursing teams) were able to get together in a relatively short period of time to make this project successful.
What I have learned from the QI curriculum?
This project was an excellent example of modifying an existing generalized system to more accurately represent and emphasize a specific patient population. Sometimes our medical systems can overlook things that are important in the biopsychosocial model (such as faith or other social determinants) which are ultimately important in the healing process. This project was definitely an exercise in how to disseminate information quickly to residents and healthcare team members. It was also fun to work alongside fellow residents and I was impressed by how much we were able to achieve together!
Would you recommend this program to others?
Yes I plan to continue with this project into this year! I was glad that we were able to present a project in a poster format and share our findings with others at the DEI conference. It was fun and exciting to see how enthusiastic everyone else was when they heard about the project. I hope to build on our progress and continue to improve this so there is continued use of the order set."
Dean Salem, MD
Class of 2023