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Flaum Eye Institute / Patient Services and Information / Cornea and External Disease

Cornea and External Disease

Common cornea conditions include:

  • Corneal abrasion—an injury to the eye that scrapes the corneal surface and causes a loss of superficial tissue.
  • Dry eye—corneal dryness caused by deficient tear production. This condition often produces a foreign body sensation, or burning feeling.
  • Keratoconus—a degenerative corneal disease characterized by thinning and cone-shaping of the central cornea. This disease affects vision and is hereditary.
  • Fuchs' dystrophy—a progressive corneal disorder characterized by cloudy, waterlogged cornea, blisters and reduced vision.

Cornea and External Disease Care

Diseases of the anterior section of the eye and cornea and infectious eye diseases are the focus of the cornea and external disease service, along with general ophthalmic care and screening for eye complications of systemic diseases and contact lens wear.

Adult and pediatric evaluation and consultation are facilitated by advanced diagnostic options and treatment modalities. They include corneal transplant ion, anterior segment reconstruction, intraocular lens implantation, cataract extraction, and excimer laser phototherapeutic procedures.

Our cornea specialists include:

James Aquavella, M.D., 

H. Ugur Celik, M.D.

Scott MacRae, MD,

Naveen Mysore, MD, PhD, FRCS

Ronald Plotnik, MD

Esteban Santiago, MD 

Rachel Wozniak, MD, PhD.

Our research includes corneal transplantation and optical quality of the eye.