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Facilities Updates

Facilities Updates

Retaining Wall Work Rescheduled

The final retaining wall on Highland Hospital’s property along South Avenue was scheduled to be replaced starting on Monday 11/22 but this work has been rescheduled to start on Monday 11/29. This wall is the small wall that wraps around the main Highland Hospital sign. The work is expected to take about three to four days. The Highland Hospital side of South Avenue will be dropped to a smaller traffic lane during the first three days, but traffic will remain open in both directions. Foot traffic on the sidewalk will also be blocked for those three days.

Saturday Work 11/20

Crews will be onsite this Saturday 11/20 for structural steel erection and detailing decking from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., unless there is inclement weather.

During the week, crews will be excavating and grading to install the new natural gas line from Mt. Vernon. This means the sidewalk will be closed on the west side of Mt. Vernon from Monday to Friday next week.

The tower crane will be in limited operation with the super structure steel as the steel workers will be detailing the decking. Mechanical hangers will be installed on the new 2nd and 3rd floor decks for future installation of the mechanical piping. Workers will be preparing for concrete slab pours with shear studs, rebar, fire stopping sleeves, and embedment’s. This includes drilling into the East side second and third floor concrete slabs. Crews will also begin wrapping the structure temporarily for winter.

Typical levels of construction noise and vibrations are expected with all of these activities. For the deep foundation work, any possible vibrations will be monitored by a third party testing agency.

Retaining Wall Replacement

The final retaining wall on Highland Hospital’s property along South Avenue is scheduled to be replaced starting on Monday 11/22. This wall is the small wall that wraps around the main Highland Hospital sign. The work is expected to take about three days and crews will potentially return the week after if any final touch ups are needed after the holiday. The Highland Hospital side of South Avenue will be dropped to a smaller traffic lane during the first three days, but traffic will remain open in both directions. Foot traffic on the sidewalk will also be blocked for those three days.

Saturday Work 11/13

Workers will be installing structural steel and detailing decking from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday 11/13 depending on the weather.

During the week, excavation and grading work will supplement the foundation installations. The Tower Crane will be in full operation with the super structure steel. We are anticipating the crane running a little later to make up for the loss of morning day light.

Crews will also be preparing for concrete slab pours with shear studs, rebar, fire stopping sleeves, and embedment’s next to the south addition.

Typical levels of construction noise and vibrations are expected with all of these activities. For the deep foundation work, any possible vibrations will be monitored by a third party testing agency.

Saturday Work 11/6

The City of Rochester Fire Department Tower Crane Rescue team will be onsite for training from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, 11/6. Construction crews will also be onsite installing structural steel and detailing decking from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. weather depending.