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URMC / Medicine / Education & Training / For Residents

For Residents

Alec O'Connor, Donald Bordley with residents
I love clinical medicine, teaching, and supporting the development of young physicians. As program director I get to spend my time doing these things and thinking about how we can do them better, and I’m in a position to be able to help affect positive changes. I also get to do all of this while working with truly amazing people, including our wonderful residents, faculty, and staff. It really is a tremendous honor and privilege to be a part of something so big and important that I feel passionate about."

Alec O'Connor, M.D., M.P.H.
Associate Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program


The University of Rochester Medical Center places the resident as the primary care giver and decision maker for patients. Being in this position is crucial to the growth and development of graduate medical education learners.

Our outstanding fellowship programs and fellows serve as consultants to the resident caring for the patient, even on subspecialty services. Our internal medicine and medicine-pediatrics residency programs integrate seamlessly with each other in a symbiotic, collaborative relationship. Both programs embrace patient and family-centered care and teaching, exceptional bedside clinical teaching, individualized career and educational plans and a psychologically safe learning environment that is diverse, equitable and inclusive.