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UR Medicine



Faculty in the division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology conduct clinical research into the nature and treatments of disorders of cognition.

The largest location of research is the Alzheimer’s Disease Care, Research and Education Program (AD-CARE) which is run by Dr. Anton Porsteinsson and Dr. Emily Clark and is one of the largest clinical trial sites for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in the country. The AD-CARE program has been involved in many of the key clinical studies of Alzheimer’s disease including the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging (ADNI) study and trials that lead to the approval of lecanemab and donanemab.

Dr. Marshall has a long history of clinical research of Huntingdon’s disease and its treatment as part of the Huntingdon Study Group.

Dr. Benzi Kluger runs the Neuropalliative Care Research Lab and has ongoing studies focusing on building the science and evidence for the efficacy of Neuropalliative Care with ongoing studies looking at advancing palliative care for patients with neurodegenerative disorders.