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Educational Activities

Seminars & Conferences

Fellow with patient and family

Conferences and lectures help educate fellows in the physiology and pathophysiology of intensive care medicine. The expectation is that fellows are adult learners and independent reading, studying, and researching provide the platform from which we can teach. Aside from scheduled meeting times and more formal education, each attending is always available to ask questions, discuss problems or clear up any confusion that may arise during independent study.

Weekly teaching conferences cover the entire spectrum of pediatric critical illness over the course of the fellowship. In addition, the fellowship director can arrange ad-hoc lectures from consulting services, surgeons, and cardiologists as requested.

Department Conferences & Meetings

The Department of Pediatrics hosts a variety of conferences and meetings that enhance clinical and research training, meet ABP and ACGME requirements, and give our fellows an opportunity to interact with well-established clinicians and researchers, both internal and external to URMC.

Fellows Conference / Core Lecture Series


Topics for this series stem from the board exam content specifications and the basic fund of knowledge needed for one to become a strong intensivist. The program director determines the schedule and assigns fellows to lead the majority of discussions. All fellows should complete expected readings prior to the conference to allow for discussion and problem-solving.

Professor Rounds


At this informal meeting of the fellows, an attending of their choice participates in case discussion, chart review, scenarios, etc. These can be held at any convenient time and last between 30-60 minutes, depending on the problem of the day.

Cardiac Catheterization/Surgical Conference


This conference discusses surgical cases and physiology, and provides exposure to cardiac catheterization and echocardiograms.

Transport Q&A

Every other month

This session provides a forum for members of the Pediatric Transport Program to meet and debrief on recent transports.

M&M (Morbidity and Mortality) Conference

Every other month

At M&M, fellows present all deaths/complications in the unit for the previous two months. The majority of time should be devoted to cases more beneficial to education.

Journal Club

Every other month; Evening at someone’s home

The group meets to discuss journal articles stemming from discussions around patient care or topics of interest. A fellow is assigned to introduce the article and its validity.

Burn Rounds


At this teaching conference, current burn patients are discussed.

Friday Surgery Conference


Current and upcoming surgical patients are discussed at this conference.