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Educational Activities

Educational Activities

Fellows have the opportunity to attend the following divisional and departmental conferences.

Pediatric Pulmonary Patient Review


Faculty and fellows review all upcoming scheduled patients, post-clinic patients, and inpatients on a weekly basis; the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) team is present to anticipate needs for CF patient visits as well as coordinate care in a team approach.

Pediatric Pulmonary Radiology Conference


Imaging results of our pediatric pulmonology patients are reviewed in a conference setting by faculty and fellows along with a radiology attending.

Pediatric Pulmonary Teaching Conference


Pediatric pulmonology fellows and faculty, as well as outside invited speakers, present didactic topics related to pulmonology physiology and specific pediatric respiratory diseases to cover all the required topics in the content outline of the subspecialty certifying examination.

Fellows Journal Club


Fellows present a review of pertinent pediatric pulmonary literature for group discussion under the guidance of the pediatric pulmonology attendings.

Adult Pulmonology Physiology Conference


Our fellows have the opportunity to attend these didactic lectures, reviewing pulmonology physiology with the adult pulmonology division when topics relate to pediatric pulmonology.

City Wide Adult Chest Conference


This conference is a city-wide meeting, rotating through Golisano Children’s Hospital, Highland Hospital, and Rochester General Hospital, allowing Rochester’s adult pulmonologists to collaborate weekly.

Lung Biology Research Seminar


The Divisions of Neonatology, Pulmonology and Lung Biology invite speakers from diverse disciplines to present talks on their lung biology research. Our faculty and fellows attend when topics are relevant and of interest.

Neonatology Clinical Research Seminar


Our fellows are invited to attend this seminar series which highlights clinical, basic science, and translational research performed by faculty, fellows, graduate students, and postdocs within the neonatology division.

Medical Student Teaching Conference


These teaching conferences present an opportunity for fellows to observe faculty teaching, as well as present supervised didactic lectures to medical students.

Eastern Pediatric Pulmonology Videoconference


Six regional hospitals including Westchester Medical Center, Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo, Akron Children’s Hospital, Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital, Miami Children’s Hospital, and Golisano Children’s Hospital take turns presenting and discussing cases and topics related to pediatric pulmonology in a videoconference setting. Our fellows have an opportunity to present semi-annually.

Department Conferences & Meetings

The Department of Pediatrics hosts a variety of conferences and meetings that enhance clinical and research training and meet ABP and ACGME requirements. These conferences and meetings give our fellows an opportunity to interact with well-established clinicians and researchers, both internal and external to URMC.