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URMC / Research / Flow Cytometry / Services / Instruments / Analytical


Flow Cytometry - BD Fortessa 18-Color

Note: All LSRII instruments (Fozzie, Animal Oscar) have been permanently removed from service as of 12/31/2023.

Flow Cytometry - BD Symphony A1 16-Color

Note: Each Symphony A1 is equipped with a small particle detection SSC detector for analysis of particles under 500nm.

Flow Cytometry - BD Accuri C6+

  • Configuration- Pepe

Full Spectrum Flow Cytometry - Cytek Aurora

Mass Cytometry - Helios

Imaging Flow Cytometry - ImageStreamX MkII

Imaging Cytometry - Celigo S

  • Stinky is a bench-top, micro-well plate based, bright field and fluorescent imaging system that allows for the fully automated imaging and quantification of suspension, adherence cells, tumor spheroids, iPSC and cancer stem cell colonies within 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 384, 1536-well plates, T flasks, and slides. Instrument specifications can be found here.  For additional general information regarding the technology, visit the Nexcelom site.

Multiplex Bead Array - Bio-Plex200 (Luminex)

Marvin Suggs is a Bio-Plex 200 instrument (also commonly known as Luminex technology) capable of multiplexing up to 100 analytes in very small samples, often serum or plasma.  The system can deliver results on many assays including nucleic acid , receptor-ligand, immunological, and enzymatic.  

Small Particle Detection - Nanosight NS300

  • The Nanosight NS300 (Bean Bunny) is for the detection of sub micron particles.
  • For training click here.

Metabolomics Detection

  • The Seahorse XFe96 is for measurement of oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and extracellular acidification rate (ECAR) in live cells.
  • For training information please contact Wojtek.

Retired Instruments