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Strong Memorial Hospital / Friends of Strong / The Best of Friends Blog

Say ‘Hi’ to Our New Faces of Summer: Local Area High School Volunteers

High school students interested in getting a taste of working in health care joined the ranks of the Friends of Strong volunteer program. You’ll see them helping out in a number of areas around campus through Saturday, August 30. 

Profile of Excellence: Ambassador and Guest Services Team

For its dedicated support of students in the UR Teen Health and Success Partnership program, we are pleased to honor the Ambassador and Guest Services program with a 2013 URMC Board Excellence Award in the Team category.

Rochester River Run/Walk 5K set for April 6

Join the Friends of Strong and the Strong Memorial Hospital Transplant Units for the 13th annual Rochester River Run/Walk to benefit our transplant patients and families.

Craft Brews Are the Main Event at Fundraiser

Selections from Roc Brewing Company's slate of artisanal lagers, stouts, and ales will be on tap from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, at Friends of Strong's newest event to raise money for patients of the hospital and their families.

Say Hi to Our New Faces of Summer—High School Volunteers are Now in the House!

If seeing the new summer crop of bright-eyed student volunteers isn't enough to make you smile, here's another reason. This year, many of those eager teens would not be here without the concerted effort of many departments—including those new to hosting volunteers—that pitched in to work with Friends of Strong to make it happen.