Together While Apart-Find a Way Through
Loneliness is an increasing concern, especially now. Your struggle with feeling lonely may be new or pre-existing, but know that you are not alone. In Behavioral Health Partners’ June blog post, brought to you by Well-U, learn more about how to manage your loneliness.
Reducing Anxiety by Increasing Your EQ
"Anxiety" is a feeling that often masks other emotions. When difficult situations occur and you ignore your reactions, you may think that the feelings have gone away. Allowing yourself to notice and express feelings is how you can move through them instead of staying stuck.
Coping with Stress During COVID-19
The coronavirus has caused a heightened state of awareness and stress throughout our Medical Center community. We hope to provide you with resources and remind you of the services that Life-Work Connections/Employee Assistance Program (this is one group), and Behavioral Health Partners offer. Telehealth services are available and allow you to "meet" with a counselor from home, work, or any other private locations.
Coping With Climate Change Anxiety
As media reports about climate change increase, do you find yourself worrying about your future, the future of your children, and the future of our planet as we know it? Check out the Behavioral Health Partners’ March blog post to learn about "active hope" and how to put this concept into practice.
Mind Reading in Relationships
Expecting your partner to be able to read your mind can lead to relationship problems. The idea of mind-reading may lead you to stay quiet about what you would like or actions that have upset you. Check out the Behavioral Health Partners February blog post to learn more about improving your communication with your partner.