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Behavioral Health Partners

Behavioral Health Partners


Trust in the Workplace

Do you remember your first day of work? You were likely feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. You were probably asking yourself: Will I be able to do this, Who will answer my questions, Who can I trust? You bring beliefs and assumptions with you to your new job that inform your answers to these questions. Read this month’s BHP Blog to learn more about trust in the workplace.

Anxiety Surrounding COVID-19 Vaccine

With the COVID-19 vaccine becoming more widely available, many people are trying to filer through the mass amount of information being thrown at them regarding which vaccine is better and how to live your life after the vaccine. Read Behavioral Health Partners March blog to learn about how to deal with the anxiety of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Providing Mental Health Support for People Affected by Systemic Racism

Systemic racism affects BIPOC’s mental health in a multitude of ways. Understanding these effects can tremendously help both clinicians and clients. Read this month’s BHP blog titled "Interactions between systemic racism and mental health" to gain knowledge on this complex issue.

Coping With Climate Change Anxiety

As media reports about climate change increase, do you find yourself worrying about your future, the future of your children, and the future of our planet as we know it? Check out the Behavioral Health Partners’ March blog post to learn about "active hope" and how to put this concept into practice.

Dispelling the Myths about Mental Health

There are many myths about mental health and understanding the facts can help you take important steps toward dispelling these myths and reducing the stigma. Check out the Behavioral Health Partners’ January blog post to learn more.

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