Self-care; Sounds So Simple, Yet It Is So Elusive
Self-care has many definitions, and an abundance of responsibilities can make self-care feel unattainable. What are the things that inhibit our ability to practice self-care, and what helps encourage it? The May blog from Behavioral Health Partners focuses on these issues, and ways self-care can feel more achievable.
The Tipping Point of Stress
We all have a limit at which ongoing stress takes its toll on our physical and mental health. In Behavioral Health Partner’s November blog, explore ways to step back from stress and recover your work-life balance.
Reducing Zoom Fatigue
"Zoom fatigue" is a phrase that appeared early in the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers have identified and evaluated this weariness, noting that it increases with greater daily use of Zoom. Read about five factors that have been identified as possible reasons for Zoom fatigue.
Trust in the Workplace
Do you remember your first day of work? You were likely feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. You were probably asking yourself: Will I be able to do this, Who will answer my questions, Who can I trust? You bring beliefs and assumptions with you to your new job that inform your answers to these questions. Read this month’s BHP Blog to learn more about trust in the workplace.
Moral Distress: The Struggle to Uphold Ethics in Healthcare
With the ongoing pandemic, healthcare workers are experiencing symptoms of moral distress and moral injury. Read January’s Behavioral Health Partners blog to learn more about the causes, symptoms and solutions for moral distress and moral injury.