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Behavioral Health Partners

Behavioral Health Partners


Procrastinating – Everyone does it

If you find yourself chronically late completing tasks or projects, you might be caught up in the negative spiral of the procrastination cycle. Understanding what factors lead to procrastination can help you to address the issue and become more effective at completing tasks on schedule. Read the June blog from Behavioral Health Partners to learn some tips to avoid procrastination and increase your productivity.

Building Friendships in Adulthood

When loneliness stands like a wall in front of you, building new friendships can be difficult especially as an adult. The benefits that friends bring to your mental and physical health can be huge. Read the April blog from Behavioral Health Partners which offers some tips on how to take the first step in making lasting and enjoyable bonds.

Suicide: Let’s Talk About It

September is suicide awareness month.  During this month we take time to remember those we have lost to suicide, and openly discuss some myths about suicide that may interfere with our ability to support those in need. To learn more about what you can do read Behavioral Health Partners September blog.

Myths about Antidepressants

Antidepressants: Myth Busting with Behavioral Health Partners 

Ever wonder if the speculations you’ve heard about antidepressants are true?  Check out Behavioral Health Partners’ December blog post to find out the truth about antidepressants. 

The Impact of Gratitude on Well-Being

Have you ever found yourself focusing on what you don’t have in life, instead of what you do? The practice of gratitude can have numerous benefits for our physical, mental, and social well-being. Read this month’s Behavioral Health Partners blog to learn how to incorporate gratitude practices into everyday life.

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