UR Host Lab Benefits and Roles
UR Host Lab Benefits and Roles
- Provide the research lab setting for this uniquely impactful experience for both the RCSD students and their own trainees.
- Provide a pathway to potential higher education/career in a science field for youngsters from marginalized backgrounds.
- Demonstrates a tangible commitment to fostering diversity in scientific fields, research, and teaching.
- Fosters an inclusive culture within his/her/their own lab that is inclusive
- Oversee the overall plan for their lab
- Establish weekly schedule
- Identify research project
- Recruit/assign trainee mentor(s)
- Weekly progress check-in with student and trainee mentor(s)
- Relay any pain points to NEUROEAST program leadership
UR/URMC Trainees
- Gain first-hand mentorship experience
- Experience teaching research methodology, techniques, and tolls
- Share account of their education journey
- Bench mentor stipend
- Demonstrates an authentic interest in being a mentor
- Teach, support, motivate, and inspire
- Provide daily guidance to student on all aspects of their lab experience.
- Relay any pain points to lab PI.
- Attend Summer Scholars poster presentation along with student