You’re Committed, So Show It
Wondering how to express your commitment to your work? Our July Life-Work Connections/EAP blog post provides tips for showing that you’re a committed employee.
Improve the Relationship with Your Boss
Wondering how to improve your relationship with your boss? Check out the Life-Work Connections/EAP February blog post to learn tips for doing just that.
Give Your Brain a Break
True or False: Taking breaks from work allows you to be more productive at work. True! Find out why in the Life-Work Connections/EAP January blog post.
Stop the Downward Slide with EAP Help
Even if you pride yourself on being an optimistic employee with a pleasant disposition, workplace negativity can still affect you in ways that you may not like.
How to Be More Proactive
Are you a proactive employee? Being proactive means acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes. Proactive employees naturally get more stuff done with fewer crises and less work strain.