About Us
About Us
Our mission is to provide free (Maplewood YMCA, RAWNY, and Asbury) high-quality preventative and health maintenance services to uninsured and under-served families and individuals in an effort to foster the health of the community of Rochester, NY while promoting the spirit of education, social justice, and collaboration.
Benefits for the Community
Improved access to health care through:
- Proximity – our locations are in medically underserved communities and where there are no other medical clinics within walking distance.
- Affordability – free (Maplewood YMCA, RAWNY and Asbury) health services including referral to appropriate medical providers.
- Convenience – off-peak hours (evenings) to allow working individuals and families greater flexibility in scheduling appointments.
- Education – explanation of (and referral to) appropriate social service agencies.
Insurance in Monroe County, NY:
- 4% of adults were without health insurance in 2000.
- 31% of people in Monroe County with incomes at or below the poverty level were uninsured.
- 67% of our uninsured are gainfully employed
Benefits to the Community's Health Systems
- Allows for the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry's goal of providing a comprehensive physician education by providing a unique health center and service-oriented experience.
- Provides exposure to urban primary care, an area of medicine in much need of aspiring young physicians.
- Potential decrease in the number of unnecessary ED visits via more appropriate triage of medical problems.