2022 Poster Day Awards
25th Annual Resident Poster Day Presentation
October 18, 2022
Resident Poster Day is an annual event for any Medicine or Med/Peds residents to present clinical cases, QI projects, research or educational innovations. The event is open to the three city programs. This year, posters were presented in the Clinical Vignette and Research/QI categories. Posters were judged on the chosen topic, the poster arrangement and the oral presentation.
Click on an image below to view slide gallery.
Winners of Poster Day 2022
Clinical Vignette
1st Place: Kimberly Seymour (URMC). “Secondary Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in a Patient with Presumptive Weaver Syndrome.”
Abstract | Poster
2nd Place: Kingshuk Mazumdar, MD, MBA; Sina Salehi Omran, MD; Angelo Pedulla, MD (URMC). “The Electrocardiographic Waves of the Octopus Trap: Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Masquerading as Acute Myocardial Infarction.”
Abstract | Poster
3rd Place: Abigail Schubach MD, Amulya Penmetsa MD, Ashwani Sharma MD, Shivangi Kothari MD (URMC)."A Novel Approach to Obtaining Tissue in a Difficult to Access Indeterminate Biliary Stricture: Percutaneous Cholangioscopy and Biopsy."
Abstract | Poster
1st Place: Ido Goldenberg, MD, Arwa Younis, MD, David T. Huang, MD, Spencer Rosero, MD, Valentina Kutyifa, MD PhD, Scott McNitt, MS, Bronislava Polonsky, MS, Jonathan S. Steinberg, MD, Wojciech Zareba, MD, PhD, Mehmet K. Aktas, MD, MBA (RRH). "Risk Stratification for Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia in Patients with Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy."
Abstract | Poster
2nd Place: Jessica Oribabor, Naz Baecher, Scott McNitt, Beth Carlson, Liubov Fingerut, Elizabeth McKinley, Joy Choi, Scott McIntosh, Jeffrey Alexis (URMC). "Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets: Assessing Patient Satisfaction After Left Ventricular Assist Device."
Abstract | Poster
3rd Place: Anima Ghimire MD, Josh Broden MD, Meghan Train DO (URMC). "614 UPP Team: Wash-Glove-Wash QI Initiative."
Additional Abstracts, Presentations and Posters Submitted
Laura Saldivar, MD, PGY-2, Internal Medicine-Pediatrics; Tara Cicic, MS3; Dr. Adam Doyle, MD; Dr. Jeffrey Andolina, MD, MS (URMC). "A Case of a Missing IVC: Always Absent or an Adverse Event?"
Abstract | Poster
Laura Saldivar, MD, PGY-3, Sarah Beasley, MD, PGY-4, Corey Romesser, MD, & Erica Miller, MD (URMC). “.”
Abstract | Poster
Kimberly Hsu, MD (URMC). “Case of Desmoplakin Cardiomyopathy Treated with Heart Transplantation.”
Chanjun S Park BA, Seif Nasir MD, Joseph Nicholas MD (URMC). “”
Pinguang Yang MD PhD, Joseph DiTursi MD, Prishanya Pillai MD, Hani Katerji MD, Gauri Patil BS, Paul Woods DO, Bilal Ahmed MD (URMC). “.”
Abstract | Poster
Chloe Swanger MD; Homaira Rahimi MD, MTR; Li Liu MD, PhD; Treyc Terry MD (URMC). “.”
Abstract | Poster
Smith Agyingi, MD; Elliot Graziano, MD; Maisa Abdalla, MD (URMC). “.”
Sarah Rusnak, MD; Justin Lansinger, MD; Caroline Miller, MD; Christine M. Osborne, MD (URMC). “.”
Kelly A. Russo, MD, Ted Louie, MD (URMC). “.”
Omar Tayseer Al Ali, Andrew Takla, Soon-IL Song (RRH). “Alopecia Areata after COVID-19 Vaccination.”
Abstract | Poster
Piotr Karmilowicz MD, Erin Armenia MD, Michael Hannon MD, Maria Mackin MS, Farhan Bajwa MD, Hima Vidula MD, Jeffrey Alexis MD, Ronald G. Schwartz MD, MS (URMC). “Survival Advantage of Treated Patients Diagnosed with Cardiac TTR Amyloidosis by Dual Isotope Perfusion Metabolism CZT SPECT: Four Year Experience at the University of Rochester.”
Abstract | Poster
Hayley Flanagan, MD, Kim Seymour, MD, John Mariano, MD, Jeffrey Andolina, MD (URMC). “Demographic Disparities Related to Fertility Preservation Counseling in Patients Undergoing Bone Marrow Transplantation."
Abstract | Poster
Dean Salem MD, Jessica Oribabor MD MS, Hayley Flanagan MD, Hannah Doyle MD, Conrad Gleber MD MBA, Jennifer Readlynn MD, Julia Trumbo MD, Kathryn Schneider RD, & Amy Blatt MD (URMC). “Ramadan Dietary Order Quality Improvement Initiative.”
Mohaned Serdah, MD, Ryan O'Connor, MD, Elizabeth Newman, PA-C, Jeffrey Bruckel, MD (URMC). “Assessing Compliance and Efficacy of LVEDP Guided Hydration Protocol in Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography.”
Ido Goldenberg, Mehmet K. Aktas, Spencer Z. Rosero, Scott McNitt, Rupinder Buttar, Valentina Kutyifa, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, USA? (URMC). "Risk of Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Device Recipients."
Abstract | Poster