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Third Year Clerkship in Pediatrics (PED300)

Duration: 5 weeks
Clerkship Director: Margarita Corredor, M.D.
Clerkship Associate Directors: Megan Rashid, M.D., Catherine Krafft, M.D.
RGH Site Director for Clerkship: Meghedy Khodak, M.D.
Clerkship Locations: Golisano Children's Hospital (GCH), Rochester General Hospital (RGH)
Clerkship Offered: Year Round

Description: Approximately 12 third year medical students rotate through pediatrics for 5 weeks at a time, either at GCH or at RGH. The Pediatric Clerkship builds on the teaching and learning in the first and second year Ambulatory Clerkship Experience and enables the student to participate in the unique, complex and challenging field of inpatient pediatric medicine. The students spend the majority of time on the clerkship as members of an inpatient ward team, with the balance of time devoted to either a sub-specialty, newborn, or acute ambulatory experience.  Students have the opportunity to participate fully in the clinical activities of both general and subspecialty pediatric services, with an emphasis in all services on basic issues and common illnesses. Subspecialists have the opportunity to emphasize aspects of their particular area of focus that are important for the education of the general physician.

As one of the core clerkships during the third year of medical school, pediatrics shares with internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, psychiatry, and surgery, the common responsibility to teach the knowledge, skills, and attitudes basic to the development of a competent general physician. The Pediatric Clerkship emphasizes those aspects of general pediatrics important for all medical students and will provide a foundation for those students who commit to careers to study the health care of infants, children and adolescents. The clerkship addresses issues unique to childhood and adolescence by focusing on human developmental biology, and by emphasizing the role of family, community and society on child health and well being.  Additionally the clerkship focuses on the impact of disease and its treatment on the developing human, and emphasizes growth and development, principles of health supervision and recognition of common health problems. The role of the pediatrician in prevention of disease and injury and the importance of collaboration between the pediatrician and other health professionals is stressed. The clerkship also provides students the exposure to the various aspects of pediatric practice to assist them in career selection.

Access the Pediatric Clerkship on Blackboard.