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Oral Medicine Conference 2015

Oral Cancer and Pre-cancer -- Diagnosis & Screening

Eastman Institute for Oral Health - Farash Auditorium
Save the date - April 3, 2015

Learning Objectives
The lectures will address normal vs. abnormal oral mucosa, screening for oral cancer, adjunctive diagnostic techniques, paraneoplastic diseases and diseases related to oral cancer.

Educational Objectives
1. Present perspectives on clinical diagnosis of oral lesions, oral cancer and potentially malignant disorders, including most recent advances about adjunctive diagnostic techniques.
2. Increase awareness about oral cancer and oral lesions.
3. Provide an opportunity to practice clinical evaluation of oral tissues.

Meet the Speakers

           Dr. Ross Kerr                 

Keynote Speaker

Ross Kerr, DDS, MSD
New York University College of Dentistry

Dr. Kerr is a dentist and an oral medicine expert who manages oral mucosal diseases, dry mouth and medically complex patients needing dental treatment. With a zeal for detecting cancer in its infancy, Dr. Kerr's forte is in the use of novel chair-side techniques for early detection or oral cancer and precancers. He works in tandem with oncologic surgeons to establish meticulous margin mapping of lesions and provides close observation of patients with an oral cancer history.

Dr. Kerr is a clinical professor at NYU and is keenly involved in research. He directs the College of Dentistry's oral mucosal disease service and likes nothing better than to instill in his dental students a passion for cancer prevention.
Dr. Sharon Elad Sharon Elad, DMD, MSc, Eastman Institute for Oral Health, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY

Dr. Elad holds joint appointments as a professor of dentistry and a professor of oncology at the University of Rochester, where she is Chair of the Oral Medicine Department at Eastman Institute for Oral Health and Clinical Chief for Hospital General Dentistry. Before joining the faculty there, Dr. Elad held leading roles at Hebrew University- Hadassah School of Dental Medicine in the Department of Oral Medicine. She was the Chair of the Israeli Society of Oral Medicine (2002-2010) and the General Secretary for the International Society of Oral Oncology (ISOO) (2005-2013).

Dr. Elad is the Head of educational courses at EIOH on oral medicine and dental management of medically complex patients. As the Co-chair of the Mucositis Study Group in the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer/International Society of Oral Medicine (MASCC/ISOO), she also leads various research projects.


Scientific Program

Earn 4 continuing education credits during this conference.  Please visit  for updates, as program is subject to change. We look forward to seeing you here!

Time Presentation Speaker  
 9:30 am - 10:30 am     Registration Opens
10:30 am-10:40 am Welcome Dr. Elad  
10:40 am- 11:25 am Oral Cancer - clinical assessment and emerging technology for early detection Dr. Kerr  
11:25 am- 11:40 am EIOH Centennial Celebration Drs. Eliav/ Elad  
11:40 am 12:25 pm. Potentially malignant disorders Dr. Kerr  
12:25 pm - 1:25pm     Lunch
1:25 pm - 2:25 pm Clinical Workshop Dr. Kerr  
2:25 pm- 2:55 pm. Paraneoplastic diseases & diseases related to oral cancer Dr. Elad  
2:55 pm - 3:25 pm Practical pearls for oral biopsy Dr. Kerr  
3:25 pm - 3:40 pm Adjourn, Educational opportunities in oral medicine at EIOH in 2015 Dr. Elad  

Registration & Payment

Payment of registration fees must be made by one of the following methods:

Check: to be mailed with the registration form (see details in the registration form).

Credit Card: see phone and fax number in the registration form

On site: at the registration desk on the day of the conference: additional 25% fee.


  • You are invited to stop at the registration desk to sign in for the conference and to receive your registration packet (printed materials and voucher for lunch).
  • The registration desk will be located at the entrance to the Farash Auditorium at Eastman Institute for Oral Health, 625 Elmwood Ave.
  • The registration desk will be operating on the day of the conference. Operation hours will start at 9:30 am until the beginning of the lectures, and at certain times throughout the day (please check times at the desk).
  • For pre-registered attendees, the CE credit certificate will be available at the end of the conference at the registration desk.


All cancellations must be faxed or e-mailed. Refund of registration fee will be as follows:

·        Before Feb 27, 2015 - 100% refund 

·        From Feb 27 until Mar 20, 2015 - 50% refund

·        No refund on cancellations received after Mar 20, 2015.

Registration will only be valid upon receipt of the full payment by the registration department according to the deadline indicated. A confirmation of registration will only be sent after receipt of the required fees. Outstanding payments will be collected on-site and charged the on-site rate.

2014 Oral Medicine Conference