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URMC / Employee Assistance Program / News & Events / UR Medicine EAP Blog / April 2018 / Building Resilience: Finding Time Alone

Building Resilience: Finding Time Alone

“Alone time” is time engaged in a solitary, uninterrupted, and satisfying behavior or activity that provides you a psychological boost. The goal is feeling refreshed despite a schedule of tightly woven work and home responsibilities.

Single parents, caregivers, or those with busy jobs and chain-linked to-dos can find it difficult to schedule regular alone time. It’s easy to see alone time as only a “nice-to-have” activity or to avoid it altogether out of fear or guilt. However, alone time is a tool—a resiliency strategy—that can help you manage stress better, increase energy, and provide a positive point in the future to focus on while you are under stress in the present. Alone time improves mood, offers work-life balance, and renews your purpose. See your EAP or a counselor to help you map an alone time strategy so you can reap all the positives it promises for your life.

Keith Stein | 4/19/2018

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