Stay Pumped about Your New Year’s Resolution
Learn about a technique that your EAP counselors utilize to help you stay motivated to keep your New Year’s resolution. This technique utilizes a collaborative approach to help you determine what is right for you!
Good for the Heart, Good for the Brain
It’s the New Year and you may have a resolution about being healthy. Healthy habits that benefit the heart also show to have benefits for your brain! Learn more about these benefits from this blog post.
Enthusiasm Is Contagious
Looking to stay motivated with your New Year’s resolution? Learn about a technique that the Life-Work Connections/EAP counselors can utilize to help you stay motivated and on track. This technique utilizes a collaborative approach to help you determine what is right for you!
Resolving Relationship Problems at Work
Too often people have a hard time getting along at work. This blog post can help those of us who are having a difficult workplace relationship and don’t know what to do about it.