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Tree Removal and New Trailer Installation

Tree Removal and New Trailer Installation

Contractors will be removing a tree that’s currently located next to the LeChase Trailer on Highland Hospital property near Bellevue Dr. The tree is being removed because it is dying and is a safety hazard. Its removal will also make room for a new trailer that will be located next to the LeChase Trailer. The tree will be removed on Friday, Oct. 5 between 7 a.m. and noon. Noise from chainsaws being used for the project can be expected during this time period.

On Monday, Oct. 8, a new sewer line will be installed for the new trailer. The construction area is currently marked out with spray paint on the pavement along the driveway of the main hospital entrance. Access will be restricted to the South Entrance of the hospital for the week from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. as this work takes place. Access to the private driveway off of the hospital’s main entrance will not be restricted.

On Tuesday, Oct. 16, the new trailer is expected to be installed. Access will again be restricted for the day from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. while the trailer is being moved into position and anchored into place.

New Trailer Installation

New Trailer Installation

In anticipation of additional renovations on Highland’s campus and the need for more office space, a second trailer is being added on the Bellevue side of the hospital. The new trailer is expected to be installed in mid-September next to the LeChase trailer that’s already in place. The hospital anticipates it will be there until late 2022.

Paving Saturday 8/11/18

Paving Saturday 8/11/18

Highland Hospital will be paving the hospital driveway off of Rockingham St. on Saturday 8/11 between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. This project is part of the hospital's ongoing maintenance efforts. Noise will include truck back up noises. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mike Zanghi, Director of Facilities at 260-5243.

A Letter to our Neighbors

A Letter to our Neighbors

On Wednesday, July 25, Highland Hospital held a public meeting with the Highland Park Neighborhood Association to discuss a modernization plan for the hospital. As part of our ongoing efforts to keep neighbors updated on hospital development, Highland Hospital's President and Vice President have written a letter to share the details of this plan.

Bellevue Planting Starting

Bellevue Planting Starting

On Friday, July 20th, a contractor will start clearing under growth in preparation of planting new garden beds along the Hospital’s South Access Drive beginning at the Bellevue Dr. cul-de-sac. These are the plantings that were discussed and agreed upon during a special HPNHHIC meeting on March 29. It is anticipated that the clearing and plant bed preparation will take two days. During this phase of the operation, the metal fence south of the snow storage pavement area will also be removed. Upon completion of the clearing and bed preparation, the contractor will start planting new ornamental and evergreen trees, deciduous and evergreen shrubs, and perennials and ground covers. It is anticipated that this phase of work will take another 5 days.