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School of Medicine & Dentistry / Academic Affairs / For Department Chairs, Center Directors, and Administrators

For Department Chairs, Center Directors, and Administrators

The academic related activities of this office involve the processing of all requests for faculty appointments, reappointments, and promotions in the School of Medicine and Dentistry; assignment of ad hoc committees to consider promotions to associate professor and professor levels; the review and submission of material to the Steering Committee and the Executive Committee of the School of Medicine and Dentistry; the review and submission to the Provost of all requests for faculty leaves of absence.

Reappointment of an Assistant Professor at the completion of the first appointment period must be preceded by a departmental review of performance and of the faculty member’s contributions as related to specific activity components (i.e., Research, Scholarship, Institutional Scholarship, Clinical, Teaching), which the department chair and faculty member anticipate will be formally assigned upon subsequent proposal for promotion to Associate Professor. Departmental review for reappointment as Assistant Professor is considered one of the most important points in the career development of junior faculty.

Please see the following: pages 8-9 (SMD Regulations of the Faculty) and Appendix D of the required paperwork documentDo note this review letter becomes the faculty member’s reappointment letter, and the faculty member will receive a copy of the letter after the Dean concurs with the reappointment.   

All University of Rochester faculty are required to complete an annual self-review.

SMD faculty are eligible to receive up to 20 CME credits, if they participate in the performance improvement stages of the annual review process, as defined on the Performance Improvement CME form linked below.

Beginning 2025 all departments will be required to complete faculty annual reviews within the MyPath system. MyPath training is held for department administrators each winter before the annual evaluation process opens April 1st

Disclosure to learners slide


2025 MyPath Faculty Annual Review recorded training


The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.


The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry designates this PI CME activity for a maximum of 20
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

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