Required Paperwork
This page makes the SMD Required Paperwork available both as a large PDF document, and in separate sections as smaller PDF documents. The content is the same for both.
Appendix A - Faculty Recommendation Form
Appendix B - Adjunct Faculty Reappointment Form
Appendix C - Self-Assessment Forms (revised July 2021)
Appendix D - Procedure for Reappointment as Assistant Professor (revised July 2014)
Appendix E: Component Templates
E1 CST Template for Assistant Professor Reappt ltr
E2 CT Template for Assistant Professor Reappt ltr
E3 IS CT Template for Assistant Professor Reappt ltr
E4 IST Template for Assistant Professor Reappt ltr
E5 RCT Template for Assistant Professor Reappt ltr
E6 RT Template for Assistant Professor Reappt ltr
E7 ST Template for Assistant Professor Reappt ltr
Appendix F - "Fast Track" Process Regarding Senior Faculty Promotions or Appointments
Appendix G - Job Codes and Faculty Ranks
Appendix H - Academic Affairs - Faculty Demographics Form
Appendix I - CV URSMD with DEI Annotations
Appendix K-Joint Chair Attestation