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URMC / Transitional Care Medicine / Services & Programs / Intensive Behavior Support

Intensive Behavior Support

ABA/Intensive Behavior Team

The Intensive Behavior Team is comprised of faculty and clinicians, all board certified in Applied Behavior Analysis. Our program includes hospital- and clinic-based services, as well as training and consultation initiatives. We pride ourselves on providing neurodiverse affirming, trauma informed care to help children, adolescents, and adults identify and work toward their individual goals.

Our team specializes in the functional assessment and analysis of severe behaviors, acceptance and commitment therapy, medical desensitization, increasing access to healthcare, and other areas of skill acquisition. We work with patients with autism spectrum disorder, intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), dementia, traumatic brain injuries, and many others including those with complex mental health conditions in addition to an IDD.

Our faculty participate in the Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities and have joint appointments in Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics as well as collaborative relationships with psychiatry, neurology, nursing, adult medicine, pediatrics, and many others. The team has published and presented regionally and nationally on the topic of health equity, reduction of severe behavior, and consultation models in acute medical settings.

For more information, or to refer a patient to the Intensive Behavior Team, clinicians or caregivers can call (585) 276-7900 during daytime hours.