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UR Medicine


Should You See a Therapist?

Wondering if you should see a therapist? Check out Life-Work Connections/EAP February blog post to learn more about how you might decide that it’s time to see a therapist.

Is a Family Member Mentally Ill?

Symptoms of mental illness can be tricky to spot, and oftentimes we are afraid to acknowledge them honestly. This article breaks down the specific symptoms to look for and who to contact for help with ourselves or a family member.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a common experience. Even Albert Einstein reportedly suffered from it. It's an unfounded fear of not being deserving of your position or achievements—but it can be beat!

Stress Tip: Reduce Catastrophic Thinking

Catastrophic thinking is focusing on the worst-case scenario. It's worry on steroids that can be applied to almost anything. You can be concerned without thinking catastrophically.

Plan for a Better Day Tomorrow

Jotting down tomorrow's to-do list can help you sleep. Planning your next day, even down to what you will take to work, can help reduce worry at night and stress in the morning.

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