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Building Resilience for Life’s Challenges

Building Resilience for Life’s Challenges

Resilience is often thought of as something you have or you don’t, while in fact it is something that can be learned and developed by anyone. Resilience can help you keep moving forward even during the toughest of times, such as the COVID-19 pandemic we find ourselves in now. Read June’s Behavioral Health Partners blog to learn more about ways to build resilience.

The Science of Self-Soothing

The Science of Self-Soothing

Self-soothing refers to the process of calming yourself when your body is on high alert. Read more to learn about your brains physiological response to stress and what you can do to calm your system.

Reduce Workday Stress with Mindfulness

Reduce Workday Stress with Mindfulness

Have you ever been driving and suddenly realized you stopped paying attention? It is not uncommon for us to go on autopilot throughout our day. As our attention frequently wanders to the past or future, paying attention to the present may feel strange, uncomfortable, or even impossible. Daily stress may contribute to this disconnection from the present, leaving us feeling overwhelmed, distant, easily distracted, irritable, or like we’re “sleep-walking” through life.

Anxiety Surrounding COVID-19 Vaccine

Anxiety Surrounding COVID-19 Vaccine

With the COVID-19 vaccine becoming more widely available, many people are trying to filer through the mass amount of information being thrown at them regarding which vaccine is better and how to live your life after the vaccine. Read Behavioral Health Partners March blog to learn about how to deal with the anxiety of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Psychotherapy 101

Psychotherapy 101

The different types of therapy can be overwhelming to someone who is looking for help. Read the month’s Behavioral Health Partners blog on the different therapy types to learn more about which one could be helpful for you.