Lung Health & Disease
Lung Health & Disease
Department Research
Research Project Areas
- Mechanisms of gene transfer and gene therapy
- Biomarkers of lung injury
- Dynamic extracellular matrix signaling in lung injury
- Toxic environmental exposures and lung development and injury
- Endothelial cell signaling in lung injury
- Cytoskeletal dynamics in lung vascular inflammation and injury
- School age pulmonary outcome of neonatal exposure to oxygen
- Prediction biomarkers and mechanisms that determine BPD outcome
- BioRepository for Investigation of Diseases of the Lung (BRINDL)
- Prematurity & Respiratory Outcomes Program (PROP)
- Developmental Impact of NICU Exposures in the national Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes Program (DINE-ECHO)
- Collaboratively building atlases of post-natal developing, aging and virus infected lung (LungMAP, HuBMAP, SenNet Consortia)