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URMC / Employee Assistance Program / News & Events / UR Medicine EAP Blog
Avoid After-Hours Job Creep

Avoid After-Hours Job Creep

Do you find yourself not being able to stop checking your work emails from home? If so, you may be experiencing job creep. Check out the November Life Work Connections Employee Assistance Program blog post for more information.

Stress Tip: Reduce Catastrophic Thinking

Stress Tip: Reduce Catastrophic Thinking

Catastrophic thinking is focusing on the worst-case scenario. It's worry on steroids that can be applied to almost anything. You can be concerned without thinking catastrophically.

Plan for a Better Day Tomorrow

Plan for a Better Day Tomorrow

Jotting down tomorrow's to-do list can help you sleep. Planning your next day, even down to what you will take to work, can help reduce worry at night and stress in the morning.

Taking Care of Yourself at Work

Taking Care of Yourself at Work

Stress can build throughout the workday. Targeting specific areas can provide the "preventative maintenance" you need to leave work feeling less exhausted.

Building Resilience: Finding Time Alone

Building Resilience: Finding Time Alone

It can be difficult to schedule alone time, and it is often seen as a "nice-to-have" activity. But it can be a useful tool. Alone time improves mood, offers work-life balance, and renews your purpose.