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URMC / Employee Assistance Program / News & Events / UR Medicine EAP Blog
Exercise and Your Memory

Exercise and Your Memory

Exercise can improve your memory. Scientists found that six weeks of intense exercise—short bouts of interval training over the course of 20 minutes—produced significant improvements in memory, specifically something called “high-interference memory.” 

Believe In Your New Year’s Resolution

Believe In Your New Year’s Resolution

There are many reasons for not accomplishing a New Year’s resolution, but one you may not fully appreciate is a lack of belief in your ability to be successful.

Learn to Be More Attentive

Learn to Be More Attentive

The ability to focus (or be attentive) is a powerful skill. It’s a key to high productivity, but it’s also a difficult skill to master because it requires fighting distractions, which are always “here and now.”

Alone for the Holidays?

Alone for the Holidays?

Alone for the holidays? Many people are fine being alone for the holidays. But if loneliness is an ongoing issue, don’t accept it as “your fate” or something you “need to get used to.” 

Getting Out of the Worry Loop

Getting Out of the Worry Loop

Worry is similar to an autoimmune response—attacking your thoughts with negative self-talk, frightening images, and fear.